Daniel Pink- The Surprising Truth about What Motivates Us

Jeremy Gilley: One Day of Peace!

Nothng's Impossible When You Love What You Do!

A 2012 National Magnet School of Excellence Award Winner!!!

2011 NC ABC's School of Distinction

2011 National Magnet School of Excellence

2010 National Magnet School of Excellence

2010 Nominee Panasonic School Change Award

2009 National Magnet School of Excellence

2008 National Magnet School of Distinction

Culture Eats Structure for Lunch!

Joyner's not just a school, it's a community. It's not a place to be for six years of your life, it's a place that will change the rest of your life.

Parent comment at Noodles and Nonsense

Friday, July 31, 2009

Elizabeth Walker- Interim 1st Grade Teacher

Elizabeth Walker will take over for Ms. Muttillo when she goes out in September to have her baby!
Ms. Walker brings tremendous service experiences to our school, serving as a Young Life Missionary to Tanzania, working in the National Ability Center's adaptive recreation program, and volunteering and teaching students with Autism at the Lionheart School in Atlanta, GA.
She also supervised the After School Program at Chase Street Elementary while working on her undergrade degree at the University of Georgia in Athens, GA
Her teaching coordinator and supervising teacher describe her as organized, committed, and
a person with a natural love of and talent for teaching. She was hand-picked by Ms. Muttillo and reminded us all of Ms. Muttillo.

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