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Joyner's not just a school, it's a community. It's not a place to be for six years of your life, it's a place that will change the rest of your life.

Parent comment at Noodles and Nonsense

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Our New 4th Grade Teacher

Dear Friends,

I would like to introduce our new 4th grade teacher, Jennifer Bell (Picture is coming later.)

Ms. Bell is a fourteen (14) year veteran and has taught middle school and elementary in both New Jersey and Florida, in public school and private school settings.

She has served as a grade chair, department chair, and YMCA Camp Director.

Ms. Bell's specialty is hands-on, child centered thematic units that differentiate for student ability and she was recognized in 2000 as a "Best Practices Award Winner" by the New Jersey Department of Education for her unit "Different is Better".

Ms. Bell is trained in the use of Promethean Interactive Technology and was a Promethean Trainer at the Sagemont School in Florida.

Her principal in Florida describes Jennifer as, " A truly gifted teacher who engages students with amazingly creative lessons." According to her references, Ms. Bell has been known to "go into character", showing up as Betsy Ross, Adda Adjective, or even a Mad Scientist when introducing a new lesson.

We can't wait to see her in action!!!

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